Scene: crowded gallery in the south loop sometime during the SGC conference at Columbia College Friday night. I run into an old professor from undergrad. We hug, and I am akward as usual.
Sarojini: Hi Anna!, I almost didn't recognize you without paint all over your clothes!
Me: yeah, I don't get to paint as much as I'd like to these days.
Sarojini: Oh, What are you up to?
Me: Um, I am getting a Masters in Art Therapy at the Art Institute.
Sarojini: (pause).. but you were such a good painter! What happened?
Me: (defeatedly) I know. I needed a job.
and the weird thing is as soon as i said this i realized it wasn't really true anymore. I did originally pursue art therapy simply as a means of better employment. I thought as a career it would actually create more time for me to paint by simply being around art more. I thought it was something I could pursue without much commitment. I am absolutley surprised at the ways in which it has activated certain interests and inspired a level of inquiry I didn't know existed inside me...or at least only existed in private. I do miss painting but it has at least temporarily been replaced with reading & reading & reading & talking & a little bit of writing. And even though i still don't really get art therapy, I am happy to be thinking.
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