Friday, April 10, 2009

I know what social action is not....

here is a project completely ignoring the social context within which it exists. Operating on assumptions of power and privilege; colonizing a neighborhood of displaced and disenfranchised people; the artists appear to be totally ignorant of the racist, classist implications of what they are doing. I can't help but think about all the money invested in these "instillations", all the materials used, all the time and energy invested and i wonder to what end? If anything the project highlights the cavernous distance between the "haves" and "have nots" by juxtaposing the mindless excesses of consumer culture against a backdrop of real poverty.


  1. seriously? "she filled the house with 3 truckloads of dirt, broke the water pipes, let them run for months, and essentially began the decay of the house..." totally creating a biohazard in the process?! nope. no mold infestations there. i bet the people who live next door feel great about that.
